Ancient and modern Easter calculations in comparison

(Converted to eligible start years and time periods)

Here you can compare the algorithms of the Easter calendar stone of Ravenna and the Easter tables of Dionysius Exiguus and Beda Venerabilis with the modern Easter calculations of Carl Friedrich Gauß, Donald Knuth and Claus Tøndering – each for the Julian calendar –. Here we assume that the ancient Easter calculations on the one hand and the modern Easter calculations on the other refer to the same year. For comparisons of ancient Easter calculations with different possible starting years, see The Easter tables of Ravenna, Dionysius Exiguus and Beda Venerabilis in comparison.
The date of the Easter full moon and the date of Easter Sunday are shown, here only in modern style. You can define different starting years for the ancient and modern Easter calculations: the years of the Easter calendar stone of Ravenna count from 1, those of Dionysius Exiguus and Beda Venerabilis from 0. Traditionally, it is assumed that a year 1 of the Easter calendar stone of Ravenna corresponds to the year 532 of the Easter tables of Dionysius Exiguus and Beda Venerabilis. For Ravenna, therefore, the year is counted as (ancient year − 531) if (ancient year >= 532), and as (ancient year + 1) if (ancient year < 532).

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